
1 General conditions

1.1 The Lessor allows the Lessee to use the Rental Vehicle under the conditions and procedure stipulated in the Rental Agreement. The lessee undertakes to pay the Rent and other payments under the conditions and procedure stipulated in the Lease Agreement.

1.2 The lessor has the right to demand an advance payment/deposit if it has been agreed in advance.

1.3 A valid identity document, such as a driver's license, passport/ID card, is required to conclude a rental agreement

1.4 The renter must be at least 21 years old, have a valid driving license of the corresponding category in the Republic of Estonia and at least 2 years of driving experience.

1.5 The lessee has the right to familiarize himself with the Lease Agreement before concluding the Lease Agreement.

1.6 The rental vehicle is issued and returned with a full fuel tank. Fuel is not included in the rental price. If the Rental Vehicle is returned with less than a full tank, the Renter will be charged €2/liter for the missing fuel and €30 for refueling

1.7 The rental vehicle has a mileage limit of 400 km per day and up to 4000 km per month. The Lessor has the right to ask for a higher rental fee and/or an additional deposit if the expected mileage of the Rental Vehicle is greater than the mileage limit of 400 km per rental day.

1.8 The rental vehicle is delivered clean. Regular outdoor washing of the rental vehicle is included in the rental price. If the Rental Vehicle is returned very dirty and it requires a thorough interior and exterior cleaning, the Renter will be charged a rental vehicle deep cleaning fee of 65 euros.
1.9 The calculation of the rental day is 24 hours.

1.10 The rental day starts at 08:00 in the morning and ends the following morning at the same time, unless otherwise agreed. Issuance and return of the rental vehicle outside working hours only by agreement. Working hours Mon-Fri 8:00-18:00

1.11 In the case of delay in returning the rental vehicle for more than 1 hour, the Renter undertakes to pay the rate set for one day according to the Rental price list.

1.12 SMOKING and ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION are STRICTLY PROHIBITED in the rental vehicle! In case of violation, a fine of €200

1.13 The transfer and acceptance of the rental vehicle is formalized with the Rental Agreement.

2 Rights, obligations and responsibility of the lessor

2.1 The Lessor hands over the working and clean Rental Vehicle to the Lessee at the place and time specified in the Rental Agreement. The Lessor is obliged to hand over to the Lessee the belongings necessary for the use of the Rental Vehicle.

2.2 The Lessor is responsible for insuring the Rental Vehicle with mandatory traffic insurance. The insurance payment is included in the rental fee.

2.3 The Lessor is responsible for insuring the vehicle with voluntary insurance in accordance with the agreement between the Lessor and the Lessee. The lessee has the right to limit liability for damage caused by fault with the vehicle in accordance with the insurance contract and the price list.

2.4 The Lessor is not responsible for expenses that the Lessee may incur in connection with the interruption of the trip due to the breakdown of the Rental Vehicle and/or due to technical failure.

2.5 The Lessor has the right to terminate the Rental Agreement prematurely and without notice and to take back the Rental Vehicle at the Renter's expense at any time, if the Rental Agreement is violated during the use of the Rental Vehicle.
2.6 The lessor has the right to demand a deposit to the extent of the deductible. The renter's deductible is €320

2.7 The Lessor has the right to check the condition of the Rental Vehicle and ensure its maintenance.

2.8 The Lessor determines the place, conditions and extent of vehicle repair regardless of the location of the Rental Vehicle.

2.9 The Lessor has the right to refuse the Rental of the Rental Vehicle and terminate the Rental Agreement if the Renter or another driver raises suspicions or may believe that the Rental Vehicle is being used for malicious purposes or the requirements for operation are being ignored.

2.10 Damages caused by the breakdown of the rental vehicle and other damages (accident, traffic accident, cancellation or interruption of the trip, damage resulting from failure to fulfill work or other obligations between the Renter or another driver and a third party) are not subject to compensation by the Lessor. These costs are borne by the Renter himself and this is the Rental Risk.

2.11 In case of failure to notify the Lessor of the occurrence of damage, the Lessee shall pay three times the Rental Amount and bear the resulting losses to the Lessor. Damage compensation is done through a one-time cash payment.

3 Responsibilities and responsibilities of the lessee

3.1 The lessee is obliged to:

3.1.1 The Lessee is obliged to accept the Rental Vehicle at the place and time specified in the Rental Agreement.

3.1.2 The Renter is obliged to inspect the Rental Vehicle before putting it into use and to make sure that it is suitable and in good condition. The signature on the rental agreement confirms the absence of claims.

3.1.3 The Lessee is obliged to make a 100% advance payment according to the requested Rental Period. The lessor has the right to demand a deposit deductible in the amount of €320, but not less than €200
3.1.4 The renter is obliged not to give the rental vehicle to a third party for use, except to another driver, who is indicated in this Rental Agreement, accompanied by himself.

3.1.5 The Renter is obliged to take good care of the Rental Vehicle. Not to use the rental vehicle: for illegal activities or unlawful purposes, as well as not to use the Rental Vehicle for motor sports, training, towing, towing a trailer and in other ways that are not directly related to the transport of people or luggage.

3.1.6 The Renter is obliged to use the Rental Vehicle only on roads that are roads within the meaning of the Road Act and to monitor the technical condition of the Rental Vehicle.

3.1.7 The Renter is obliged to use the Rental Vehicle only in the territory specified in the Rental Agreement.

3.1.8 The Renter is prohibited from transporting people and/or goods in a larger volume or using the Rental Vehicle for other purposes than is permitted by the manufacturer of the Rental Vehicle.

3.1.9 The lessee undertakes to use only fuel sold by well-known fuel sellers (Circle K, Olerex, Neste, Premium7, Alexela). Only high-quality motor fuel may be used in the rental vehicle. The use of fuel additives is prohibited.

3.1.10 The Renter is obliged to monitor the technical maintenance of the Rental Vehicle (oil level, coolant level, brake fluid level, condition of external and internal lights, tire pressure, etc.) during the rental period.

3.1.11 In the event of a technical failure, the Renter is obliged to stop driving until the fault is eliminated, immediately informing the Lessor. The Lessor is not obliged to consider later claims and financial claims.

3.1.12 The Lessee is obliged to compensate the earned fines in accordance with the law and other financial claims caused and addressed to the Lessor twice if he has not informed the Lessor of this during the Lease Period.

3.1.13 The renter is fully responsible for all parts and accessories lost from the rental vehicle.

3.1.14 If damage has occurred to the Rental Vehicle due to the Renter's negligence or his intentional actions, the Renter is fully responsible for the damage caused to the Rental Vehicle, regardless of the deductible specified in the Rental Agreement. The Renter is fully responsible for the damage caused to the Rental Vehicle even if the damage is caused by neglecting the obligations stipulated in the Rental Agreement, as well as if the Renter used the Rental Vehicle while intoxicated or under the influence of another psychotropic substance, for criminal purposes, etc.

3.1.15 Not to make improvements and changes to the Rental Vehicle.
3.1.16 Maintain and repair the Rental Vehicle only at the company designated by the Lessor's agreement.

3.1.17 To comply with the requirements of traffic regulations and other legislation and the instructions of the rental vehicle manufacturer.

3.1.18 Keep the Rental Vehicle closed, locked, if the Renter is not in the Rental Vehicle.

3.1.19 Keep under your control and, when leaving the Rental Vehicle, remove belongings that enable the use of the Rental Vehicle, including keys, documents.

3.1.20 Fulfill all obligations arising from the insurance contract.

3.1.21 Not to sublease the Rental Vehicle.

3.1.22 Notify the Lessor immediately of an obstacle to the possession or use of the Rental Vehicle, in case of theft of the Rental Vehicle, damage to the Rental Vehicle or the occurrence of an insurance event, received parking and other fines, and provide an appropriate written explanation. If there is no other way to provide a written explanation, it can be submitted to the Lessor exceptionally to the e-mail address specified in the Lease Agreement, providing the explanation with a digital signature.

3.1.23 To comply with the Lessor's instructions in the event of circumstances appearing in Clause 3.1.22 of the Lease Agreement.

3.1.24 Return the Rental Vehicle in accordance with the procedure stipulated in 2.1 of the Rental Agreement, taking into account the wear and tear resulting from the normal use of the vehicle.

3.1.25 The Renter is obliged to return the Rental Vehicle to the designated place at the designated time. The rental vehicle must not be abandoned.

3.2 Tenant's responsibility:

3.2.1 In case of rental vehicle rental, the Lessee must return the Rental Vehicle documents and keys to the Lessor, otherwise the Renter is fully responsible for rental vehicle rental.

3.2.2 The Lessee is responsible for damage caused to the Lessor or a third party by third parties.

3.2.3 With the transfer of the rental vehicle, the risk of accidental destruction and damage of the rental vehicle, as well as the responsibility of the owner of the vehicle, as a source of greater danger, is transferred to the Renter.

3.2.4 The Renter is responsible for the actions of the other driver of the Rental Vehicle as for his own actions.

3.2.5 The Lessee is responsible for damages and defects that occurred within 5 working days after returning the Rental Vehicle to the Lessor, which could not be detected during a visual inspection.
3.2.6 The Renter is responsible for paying fines and payments related to the Rental Vehicle and related processing costs. The Lessor has the right to demand the payment of fines, payments and processing costs from the Lessee even if the fines and payments appear after the end or termination of the Lease Agreement and the Lessor has paid the fines and payments on behalf of the Lessee. If the Renter does not pay the traffic and parking fines, the Rental Company may disclose the Renter's data and forward it to third parties to collect the fines from the Renter.

4 Settlements

4.1 The Lessee pays the Lease and other payments specified in the Lease Agreement and supplies the Lease Vehicle with fuel, oil, coolant and window washer fluid at his own expense. If necessary, the Renter pays other costs related to the use of the Rental Vehicle, incl. light bulbs, tire repair, etc., the payment of which is not directly on the Lessor's part in the contract.

 4.2 If the return of the rental vehicle is delayed for more than 1 hour, the Renter undertakes to pay the rate specified per day according to the Rental price list.

4.3 Expenses arising from the breakdown of the rental vehicle and elimination of the breakdown outside the Republic of Estonia and the costs of transporting the rental vehicle, excl. expenses that are treated as an insurance event and that are paid by the insurance considering the deductible rate, are paid by the Renter.

4.4 Impediment to the use of the vehicle does not release the Lessee from the obligation to pay the Rent and other payments.
4.5 In case of late payment of rent or other payments, the Lessee undertakes to pay a late payment of 0.2% per day of the amount not paid by the due date.

4.6 In the event that the Lessee does not return the Rental Vehicle to the Lessor at the place and time specified in the contract, the Lessee is obliged to pay for the days of delay in returning the Rental Vehicle at a rate double the Rental Price according to the price list and to compensate for the damage incurred. The Lessor has the right to demand the Rental Vehicle from any possession, if the Renter does not return the rental vehicle at the place and time specified in the Rental Agreement.

4.7 The Lessor has the right to demand a contractual penalty from the Lessee in the amount of 10% of the insured value of the Rental Vehicle each time for violation of the Rental Agreement.

4.8 In case of early return of the rental vehicle, the rental amount does not change and the payments made are not subject to return.

5 Action in case of breakdown, accident or theft

5.1 The Lessee immediately informs the Lessor of the circumstances that have arisen in clause 3.1.22 of the Lease Agreement via the phone indicated in the Lessor's Lease Agreement and follows the Lessor's instructions, among other things, immediately prepares an emergency plan in the event of an accident.

5.2 The Renter immediately informs the police about the theft, robbery or accident of the Rental Vehicle. When communicating with the police, the Tenant represents the interests of the Lessor until the Lessor releases the Lessee from the corresponding obligation.

5.3 In the event of damage to the Lessor or third parties, or in the event of loss of documents or items, the Lessee and the other driver are obliged to provide the Lessor with a written explanation of what happened no later than 24 hours later. If there is no other way to provide a written explanation, it can be submitted to the Lessor exceptionally to the e-mail address specified in the Lease Agreement, providing the explanation with a digital signature.
5.4 In case of theft, the Lessee is obliged to provide the Lessor with the keys and documents given to him by the Lessor. Otherwise, the Renter is liable to the Lessor or a third party for damage caused by theft up to the insurance value of the Rental Vehicle.

5.5 The Lessee accepts the results of the inspection performed by the Lessor after returning the Rental Vehicle.

6 Other conditions

6.1 Delivery of the rental vehicle to the desired address in the city of Pärnu €15 Outside of Pärnu by agreement.

6.2 Return of the rental vehicle from the desired address within the city of Pärnu €15 Outside of Pärnu by agreement.

6.3 When returning the rental vehicle, the Lessor has the right to file claims against the Renter within 5 working days from the date of return, in the event of hidden errors and defects that could not be detected during a visual inspection.

6.4 The Lessor has the right to terminate the Rental Agreement early and without notice and to take back the Rental Vehicle at the Renter's expense at any time if the Rental Agreement is violated during the use of the Rental Vehicle.

6.5 The Lessee has the right to withdraw from the Lease Agreement no later than 14 days before the start of the Lease Period. In this case, the Lessor will return 100% of the advance payment paid by the Lessee. In the case of later withdrawal from the Rental Agreement, the advance payment will not be refunded.

6.6 Transfer of the rental vehicle across the state border of the Republic of Estonia is prohibited without the written permission of the Lessor. When leaving the Republic of Estonia, a deposit/guarantee of €350 is required
6.7 Supplements and changes to the rental agreement are permitted only with the agreement of the Lessor and the Lessee. Additions and changes take effect upon signing by the Lessor and the Lessee.

6.8 If the Lessee does not return the Rental Vehicle to the Lessor at the place and time specified in the Rental Agreement, the Lessor has the right to cancel the Rental Agreement without notice and declare the Rental Vehicle wanted.

6.9 The Lessee and the Lessor undertake not to disclose information about the conclusion of the Lease Agreement and the terms and conditions and to take measures to prevent said information from falling into the hands of a third party.

6.10 The Lessee and the Lessor do not consider the disclosure of information in the cases stipulated by law to be a violation of the confidentiality obligation stipulated in clause 6.6 of the agreement. In case of breach of the lease agreement by the Lessee, the Lessor has the right to disclose the Lessee's data to an unlimited number of third parties, including for persons performing background investigations. By signing the rental agreement, the Lessee is deemed to have given the corresponding consent.

6.11 Notices related to the rental agreement must be reproduced in writing by the Lessee and the Lessor in any possible way.

6.12 The conflict of a provision of the rental agreement with legislation does not affect the validity of other provisions. A void or invalid condition shall be replaced by a valid condition based on the purpose of the Lease Agreement upon agreement between the Lessor and the Lessee.

6.13 The Lessor and the Lessee confirm that they have no legal or other obstacles to concluding the Lease Agreement. The Lessor and the Lessee confirm the correctness of the submitted documents and the existence of the authorization to conclude the Lease Agreement.
6.14 Disputes arising from the execution of the rental agreement are resolved through negotiations, in the case of failure to reach an agreement in the Pärnu County Court.

6.15 In matters not stipulated in the lease agreement, the Lessor and the Lessee are based on the legislation of the Republic of Estonia. With the signing of the rental agreement, all previous oral and written agreements concluded between the Lessor and the Lessee become invalid.

6.16 The rental agreement is drawn up in two identical copies with equal legal force, one of which remains with the Lessor and the other with the Lessee.

6.17 The rental agreement consists of the general terms and conditions of the rental agreement, insurance contracts and annexes to the agreement.

6.18 This Rental Agreement enters into force upon signing by the Lessor and the Renter and ends with the return of the Rental Vehicle in the absence of claims until proper performance.

7 Processing of personal data

7.1 By signing the rental agreement, the Lessee allows the Lessor to store and process his personal data and the data resulting from the Agreement in accordance with the needs of the Lessor. The Lessor has the right to store and process the Lessee's personal data as long as it is reasonably necessary to achieve the goals. In the event of a breach of the contract by the Lessee, the Lessor may disclose this data and forward it to third parties as necessary to liquidate the damage to the Lessor resulting from the breach of the Lease Agreement and exclude future damage. © 2023 Quidem OÜ